Born in Nilambur, Malappuram district, Kerala, Jain Syriac Babu is a promising young actor in the Malayalam film industry. Jain, who from his matriculation days had pursued dreams in theatre, accomplished it through the amateur theatre work that he did during his graduation and post graduation days. ‘Chora Chathu Kidakkunna Sthalam’ (The land of Blood, Stagnant) in which he performed while doing his post graduation under MG University, won him the university level best actor award. That is when he realizes his true skill and decides to pursue in that path further. He then débuted in ‘Shikkar’ a Malayalam feature film directed by M. Padmakumar starring Mohanlal, the legendary actor. His anti hero role in the film was critically acclaimed and his journey on the silver screen started since. J
good jain..we wish all the best 4 ur new films and future....godbless you....we r proud of u man.........
ReplyDeleteAll the best Jain ....
ReplyDeletethank you prince :)))