Born in Nilambur, Malappuram district, Kerala, Jain Syriac Babu is a promising young actor in the Malayalam film industry. Jain, who from his matriculation days had pursued dreams in theatre, accomplished it through the amateur theatre work that he did during his graduation and post graduation days. ‘Chora Chathu Kidakkunna Sthalam’ (The land of Blood, Stagnant) in which he performed while doing his post graduation under MG University, won him the university level best actor award. That is when he realizes his true skill and decides to pursue in that path further. He then débuted in ‘Shikkar’ a Malayalam feature film directed by M. Padmakumar starring Mohanlal, the legendary actor. His anti hero role in the film was critically acclaimed and his journey on the silver screen started since. J

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Interview on Indiavision

This was the first visual media interview of Jain Syriac Babu after Shikkar

Interview in Malayala Manorama Metro on Shikkar

Detailed Interview of Jain Syriac Babu on Malayala Manorama Metro about his life before and after Shikkar. Interview has done by his university friend Joji Simon

Interview in Chitrabhoomi 1

Interview in Chitrabhoomy Cinema Weekly on Shikkar

Interview of Jain Syriac Babu on Chitrabhoomi Cinema Weekly about his experience in Shikkar

Best Actor, M.G University theater competition 2008

Jain Syriac Babu was the best actor of Mahatma Gandhi University Theater festival 2008 held at Maharajas College 

Manorama Online Photo Gallery

Interview on
Jain Syriac Babu's Interview about Shikkar on mathrubhoomi online

Climax of the Film Shikkar staring Mohanlal and Jain Syriac Babu

Born in Nilambur, Malappuram district, Kerala, Jain Syriac Babu is a promising young actor in the Malayalam film industry. Jain, who from his matriculation days had pursued dreams in theatre, accomplished it through the amateur theatre work that he did during his graduation and post graduation days. ‘Chora Chathu Kidakkunna Sthalam’ (The land of Blood, Stagnant) in which he performed while doing his post graduation under MG University, won him the university level best actor award. That is when he realizes his true skill and decides to pursue in that path further. He then débuted in ‘Shikkar’ a Malayalam feature film directed by M. Padmakumar starring Mohanlal, the legendary actor. His anti hero role in the film was critically acclaimed and his journey on the silver screen started since. He is now working on a project in Tamil, ‘En Anpe’ which will be directed by the acclaimed director P. Chandrakumar.

Jain is to Malayalam industry what can be called the most hunted face. His natural sense of acting powered by experience in theatre has already placed him in the hearts of a good number of movie buffs. Maintaining his physique with utmost care and training, Jain promises a new dawn in acting to the industry. He is, an actor who knows the rhythm of the profession and is so, very particular about the roles he does. His discretion in choosing his characters proves this. Doing the role of a rebellious activist in ‘Shikkar’, he is now, all set to step into the role of the hero with his Tamil project. Jain believes that acting is all about fitting into the characters with casual ease and his pursuit of the different genres of characters, he thinks, will help him in doing this. He doesn’t believe in piling up roles and acting away in any film that comes his way. In the eight months after ‘Shikkar’ he carefully analyzed the script of the projects which were offered to him. It’s after much thought that he chooses his characters and it is the role in the Chandrakumar movie which pleased his acting senses. This patience and care that he has about his character selection is his greatest asset. Jain doesn’t intend to jump into roles even after the completion of his latest project, but intends to further analyze the prospects of the other offers from a number of renowned directors. He also has not given up his first passion, theatre. He, in his time away from movies, intends to work with amateur theatre groups in Kerala, doing character roles which will further enhance his acting skills. He believes in the link between theatre and screen performance and dreams of a joint platform for the artists from both the groups to perform, interact and work with each other. He has, for this, further oriented his career in clubbing his theatre group with the eminent workers in the Malayalam industry.